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Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I cancel?
How do I change my contact information or email address?
Do you offer any other billing method besides monthly?
Is my information protected and is it shared with anyone else or sold?
Can I upgrade my membership at any time?
Can I share my membership with a friend?
Do you provide membership plans beyond a year?
Can I pay by check?
Will I be billed for a trial?
How long does your free trial last?
If I cancel after my account has renewed, what is your refund policy?

What is the minimum amount required to trade?
Under what type of market conditions do your strategies work?
Do you use puts or calls in your portfolios?
What information is in the alert email with the new picks?
How long do you hold the trades?
When Are New Trade Alerts Released?
What type of option strategies do you use?
What time do you release your trades?
When a trade is released how much time do I have to act before it moves?
Do you email us to close a trade?
How many trades do you average per week\month?
How long do you hold a position for?
Does OptionRun prefer an up or down market?
Do you email updates on open positions?
Do I need to monitor email and or your site all day to follow along?
I'm new to trading options, is it easy to follow?
Do you provide individual consultation?
What is The Run?
Do you only trade options?
Are all trades you released posted?
Do you use stop exits on every trade?
Do you ever scale-out of a position?